
Shops n Lounges


IronRoot Distillery Tour: A coffee persons view Yes I know, I’m the coffee guy, but I enjoy a good dram like everyone else. Recently, the misses and I went up to Dennison, Texas, to do the IronRoot Republic distillery tour, now understand that IronRoot is not a brand I’ve been familiar with until now, we were venturing into the ‘unknown.’ When we drove up, we left our home and drove in the dreary rain for an hour and a half, which seemed like it would never end, to be honest. The only tricky part besides getting through Dallas was knowing the Distillery was behind the Fossil Creek Liquor store. Upon arrival, we were met by the intern, John, who happens to be Marsha’s husband and the father of both owners, who are brothers. John was kind as he was funny and was happy to talk about all things from his dogs to the Whiskey. He happily poured us samples from the many options. To be honest, the storefront is a narrow space and can be claustrophobic when crowded. But the storefront had whiskey, gins, vodka, a moonshine selection, staves, glassware, and sunglasses for sale. During the Tour, we were told about the training the brothers received, the stills, their cost, everything you ever wanted to know about corn, and a showing of the Rick house. Now, if you have some knowledge of distilling, all of this is standard information. The unique thing about Iron Root is that the owners were trained in the Cognac styling of distilling, which comes through heavily in the whiskey. The vodka is nontraditional as it has significant notes from the ingredients. The big question is would I go again? Yes, absolutely, because I enjoyed hearing Robert Likarish’s stories. I’m impressed they allow opportunities for the…