Fortaleza y Libre Cigars Unveils Exclusive Event Cigar: #GMFF To Be Launched at B&G’s Cigar Lounge in West Carrollton, Ohio on January 13, 2025 Virginia — Fortaleza y Libre Cigars proudly announces the launch of its inaugural event- exclusive cigar, the #GMFF. This meticulously crafted blend represents the culmination of years of dedication to the artistry of premium cigars. “With tobaccos sourced from four distinct countries, the #GMFF stands as a testament to the innovation and craftsmanship that boutique cigar enthusiasts cherish,” said Greg Free, President of Fortaleza y Libre Cigars. A Blend Like No Other The #GMFF is a medium-bodied cigar that delivers an extraordinary sensory experience: Cold Draw: Subtle field and floral notes with a touch of woody sweetness. * First Light: A roasted nut profile layered over the essence of a tall autumn meadow. * First Third: Flavors envelop the palate with hints of charred barrel staves, complemented by baking spices and the initial nuttiness. * Midpoint: The retrohale reveals cedar notes, adding depth and complexity. * Final Third: A crescendo of flavor, combining all elements into a harmonious and satisfying finish. Pairing Recommendations * Whiskey: Opt for a lower-proof Irish whiskey or a well-aged American bourbon. * Beer: A crisp lager provides a balanced companion. * Wine: Pair with a Willamette Valley Pinot Noir or a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. * Coffee: A rich dark roast with a touch of cream makes for a perfect match. The Impact The #GMFF exemplifies the creativity and ingenuity of the boutique cigar segment. By utilizing tobaccos grown in limited quantities, Fortaleza y Libre Cigars delivers a rare and complex blend designed to delight seasoned cigar aficionados. “Our goal with the #GMFF was to create a cigar that stands apart in our lineup and offers something truly unique to the…