


Underground Cigar Shop Every now and then in life, you will come across a “hole in the wall” type shop that leaves you with lifetime memories and a desire to revisit many times over. Often these types of shops are “mom-n-pop” restaurants, antique shops, gift shops, and craft shops. This time for me, it is a cigar shop called the Underground. Matthew, a friend of mine, had recommended the shop to me as I asked him about some cigars he was smoking. I was familiar with some of the boutique lines, such as Providencia and Rojas, but little did I know what I was getting myself into until I walked in through the doors. When you first visit the Underground, you will notice their unique parking lot, surrounded by barbed and razor wire fences. This didn’t phase me; instead, it added to the intrigue about what I would find inside. When you walk into the door, you will likely find “Chef” Todd behind the counter helping a FOTL, family of the leaf, or in the lounge area talking up with the other family members. Now a brief detour before we get back to the shop. When I say, family members understand that when you smoke a cigar, you are a Brother or Sister of the Leaf. We will get back to this in a moment, so let us get back to the shop and its humidor. While small, the humidor is packed with labels you will not find in most cigar lounges. The Underground specializes in the boutique market of cigars and has made its name known because of this. With a client list across the globe, selling cigars to clients in Ireland, Alaska, Hawaii, and all across the continental, this is the place to find the boutique cigar. Chef…