David Jeffries
Growing up as a military brat and a pastor’s kid, I tried only to cause a good kind of mayhem. I first got into coffee while studying at Mary-Hardin Baylor. My life group leader is the one responsible. Before this, I drank coffee and enjoyed it, but I wasn’t passionate about it. Some of my favorite parts are when I get the opportunity to roast coffee beans or drink exceptionally well-crafted coffee drinks.
I am looking forward to reviewing the various coffees the world has to offer and seeing your thoughts and opinions as well.
David Jefferies

Onyx Geometery: A Goal list coffee - Onyx Geometery: A F1 car kind of coffee The Story: This review has a long backstory to bring you up to speed. I have to take you back into my past and the evening Bible studies I attended in college. You have to know that finishing college was a hard time for me. The academics

Which coffee gear should you buy? - Which coffee gear should you buy? When setting up your coffee bar there are some standard questions in the coffee circles that we tend to ask. How many types of brewers do we need? Which types should you prioritize: immersion, drip, or espresso? What kind of accessories do you get? How many accessories are needed?